the next wave

Andrew Curry's blog on futures, trends, emerging issues and scenarios

Andrew Curry, futurist and facilitator

Andrew Curry is an internationally known futurist and facilitator. Since 2019 he has provided futures services to a number of clients, including the School of International Futures, Chatham House, Mott MacDonald, and others.

Since 1999 he has run hundreds of futures projects, using a wide range of methods, across the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Prior to that he worked for The Henley Centre, The Futures Company, and Kantar Futures, the same company in different states of evolution. He led much of their public sector work during the 2000s, and in the 2010s combined a range of client project work with leading the business’s European thought leadership programme.

His 2011 report on Unlocking New Sources of Growth won the WPP Atticus Grand Prix award.

Recent projects and related futures work in the public domain include:

He writes widely on futures issues, and a selection of longer articles can be found here.

He blogs regularly on futures and related matters at The Next Wave, and runs a regular futures newsletter, Just Two Things, on Substack.

He was Vice Chair of the Association of Professional Futurists from 2011 to 2017, and also edited the APF newsletter, Compass. He was also a member of the Advisory Board of Lancaster University’s Institute for Social Futures from 2013 to 2024.

Before becoming a futurist, he worked as a broadcast journalist for the BBC and Channel 4 News, and as a television producer, before launching Britain’s first interactive television channel for the cable company Videotron in the 1990s.


E: curry.andrew[at]